OCI, l'azienda che ora sponsorizza Grails, ha appena annunciato un impressionante lineup di sviluppatori esperti da inserire nel team di Grails: Søren Glasius, Alvaro Sanchez , Zachary Klein, Allison F., Jim Kleeh, e Donal Murtagh. Congratulazioni a tutti!
Il team di Gradle ha ufficialmente rilasciato gradle 2.8, con il miglioramento delle prestazioni su build 'grandi', aggiornamento di Gradle Testkit, Groovy è stato aggiornato alla 2.4.4, e CodeNarc alla versione 0.24.1. Maggiori informazioni possono essere trovate nelle release notes.
Ratpack è stato rilasciato con una patch release, raccomandata a tutti gli utilizzatori della versione 1.1.0, la release 1.1.1 corregge il bug con cui alcune richieste rimangono appese in modalità di sviluppo.
Groovy ha guadagnato popolarità dopo l'adesione a Apache foundation. I download mensili sono raddoppiati, come riportato da Guillaume in questo blog post su Restlet
E' stato rilasciato anche SdkMan con alcune patches, ora è alla versione 3.2.3, (per aggiornare usare il comando 'sdk selfupdate force'). Ricordatevi che potete unirvi alle discussioni di SdkMan su Gitter
Questa settimana ci sono pochi plugin Gradle che hanno catturato la mia attenzione.
Shazam ha reso disponibile il codice sorgente del plugin Tocker, che è usato per facilitare integrazione di Docker con il loro ambiente di test. Il plugin ti assiste nella creazione dei container Docker, nello start e stop questo come parte del processo di build.
Schalk Cronjé ha rilasciato Groovy VFS 1.0-beta4, un DSL Groovy per Apache VFS2, per facilitare le operazioni su filesystem di file remoti.
Craig Burke sta facendo progressi con una versione più generalizzata del suo plugin Gradle Jasmine sono benvenuti feedback, spero che posti sul blog con un sacco di esempi ;)
Le "call for papers" per il Greach 2016 sono aperte, avete tempo fino al 18 di Gennaio, ma perché non farlo già adesso! Sono disponibili i biglietti per la prima edizione del GR8conf India, ex Grailsconf India, in New Delhi a Gennaio. I prezzi Early bird terminano il 15 Novembre.
Podcasts e Video Presentazioni
- Grails 3.x Update (Graeme Rocher da SpringOne 2GX 2015)
- SpringOne 2GX 2015: Technical Keynote (Guillaume Laforge, Graeme Rocher et. al. da SpringOne 2GX 2015)
Blog, Articoli, etc.
- Getting started with Hazelcast using Grails in 10 minutes (Jeevesh Pandey)
- Asynchronous Programming in Grails 3 (Mike Hostetler)
- Generating Grails static resource link manually (Salil)
- Gradle Goodness: Apply External Script With Plugin Configured Through Buildscript (Hubert Klein Ikkink aka MrHaki)
- Enable Grails application to serve resources through CDN (Salil)
- Grails Goodness: Run Grails Application As Docker Container (Hubert Klein Ikkink aka MrHaki)
- Grails Goodness: Creating A Runnable Jar (Hubert Klein Ikkink aka MrHaki)
- Community Lessons: Groovy Downloads Double After Joining Apache Foundation (Guillaume Laforge)
- Groovy programming language thrives under Apache (Paul Krill)
- What the #S@&%*! is up with the Elephant? (Miko Matsumura)
- Hosting A Private Gradle Dependency For Free
Plugin Grails 3 aggiornati
- coffee-asset-pipeline (2.6.2) Aggiunge il supporto al transpiling coffeescript nel asset-pipeline plugin su jvm
- sass-asset-pipeline (2.6.2)
- handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.6.2)
- less-asset-pipeline (2.6.2) LESS Compiler per Asset-Pipeline
- ember-asset-pipeline (2.6.2) Compila hbs o file handlebars per asset-pipeline nella cache Ember.TEMPLATES
- grails-asset-pipeline (3.0.9) Grails grails-asset-pipeline plugin
- asset-pipeline (3.0.10) Grails asset-pipeline plugin
Plugin Grails 2 aggiornati
- CKeditor plugin CKeditor web WYSIWYG editor integration plugin.
Tweets Interessanti
- @pledbrook Last functional test is done for #grailsfw 3 #shiro plugin and there's even a migration guide: https://github.com/Arkilog/grails-shiro/wiki/Grails3MigrationNotes
- @GR8ConfIN Keen to learn and know the latest happening in #Groovy and #Grails community. Register today for #GR8Conf India.http://buff.ly/1MlLsFT
- @vaclav_pech Just uploaded the slides from my last week's @GeeCON Prague "DSLs with pleasure" talkhttp://www.slideshare.net/VaclavPech/domain-specific-language-with-pleasure
- @darthvader42 released 0.6.0 of neo4j-spock-extensions for #Neo4j 2.3 support https://github.com/sarmbruster/neo4j-spock-extension
- @eugenekamenev Most popular #androiddev #groovylang library SwissKnife is already year old! Thanks 2 all who helped in developmenthttps://github.com/Arasthel/SwissKnife
- @bgoetzmann Using #groovylang, my prefered language, in #Android native development is for me very attractive versus an hybrid approach.
- @SolidSoftBlog Presented: Automatic releases with Gradle, Git, Bintray and Travis in @4financeIT's micro-infra-springhttps://speakerdeck.com/szpak/automatic-releases-in-micro-infra-spring-with-gradle-git-bintray-and-travis
- @wmacgyver So far @ObjectComputing as the new sponsor for #grailsfw has been much more effective about bringing in groovy/grails talents
- @voxxed Can't afford the Cali trip? JavaOne will be live streaming sessions over the course of the week! Geek out with us.https://www.voxxed.com/blog/2015/10/javaone-livestream-watch-here/
- @CedricChampeau One key reason for introducing type checking extensions to #groovylang was precisely for DSLs to go beyond what a normal type checker can do
- @CedricChampeau And if you're interested in my thoughts, I'm giving a talk about this next week at @JavaOneConf http://bit.ly/1LjtQtR
- @aalmiray come join us at the @JavaOneConf #hackergarten next week. We'll have impromptu presentations by experts. Let's hack together! Let's have fun
- @pledbrook I'm now teaching separate #groovylang and #grailsfw courses via @skillsmatter in London: https://skillsmatter.com/courses/531-peter-ledbrook-fast-track-to-groovy & https://skillsmatter.com/courses/534-peter-ledbrooks-fast-track-to-grails
- @ilopmar Look! @jfrancoleza, @marc0der and me at #springone2gx https://www.flickr.com/photos/nofluffjuststuff/21464856251/in/album-72157658272964780/
- @greachconf It's our pleasure to announce that @ObjectComputing is our Diamond Sponsor. Thank you very much! http://www.ociweb.com/#grailsfw
- @ysb33r Download a preview of "Idiomatic Gradle - 25 Recipes for Plugin Authors” from Leanpub http://samples.leanpub.com/idiomaticgradle-sample.pdf #gradle (Feedback welcome)
- @benignbala A nice set of slides on #gradle being polyglot and a generic build + deployment tool http://www.slideshare.net/ysb33r/gradle-in-a-polyglot-world. Thanks @ysb33r
- @pledbrook Nice to see progress on #Shiro #grailsfw 3 plugin: https://github.com/pledbrook/grails-shiro/issues/44#issuecomment-149620846 - community contributors FTW
- @greachconf We're looking for sponsors. If you think you can help, please contact us! http://greachconf.com/#sponsors #groovylang #grailsfw
- @burtbeckwith "2.9 looks like it's going to be really fast for large projects." #gradle https://discuss.gradle.org/t/linkedin-unity-2015-10-19/12297
- @grailsframework Grails Slack channel now has 1,000 members! Come and join the conversation http://slack-signup.grails.org #grailsfw #groovylang #grails
- @ysb33r #Gradle in a Polyglot World. Slides for tonight's #AccuLondon talk is here: http://www.slideshare.net/ysb33r/gradle-in-a-polyglot-world(Source code https://github.com/ysb33r/GradleLectures/tree/AccuLondon )
Conferenze e Incontri
- Pittsburgh Groovy Programming: JVM Scripting with Groovy, Pittsburgh – PA, 29 Ottobre, 2015
- Bay Area Gradle Users Meetup: 5 years of Gradle at LinkedIn, Mountain View, CA , 3 Novembre, 2015
- Groovy Grails Exchange, London – GB, 14-15 Dicembre, 2015
- Grailsconf India, New Delhi – India, 16 gennaio, 2016 – CFP is open!
- Greach, Madrid – Spain, 8-9 Aprile, 2016
- Spring I/O, Barcelona – Spain, 19-20 Maggio, 2016
- GR8conf Europe, Copenhagen – Denmark, 7-9 Giugno, 2016.
- Gradle Summit, Palo Alto – CA, 23-34 Giugno, 2015.