Our main technologies

We keep up with the framework, mindful about stability

Choosing the most appropriate technology is a very challenging task in a fast-evolving world as it is today.

In our job, it is fundamental to keep updated about new trends, but when we need to decide which technologies are best for our Customers, we look for and give priority to values such as: flexibility, solidity and scalability, checking both tools and production companies.

We adopted Java based technologies for their solidity, utilizing Groovy, Grails and Micronaut languages and framework to guarantee flexibility and scalability.

Regarding user interfaces, we mainly use HTML5/CSS3/JS based framework such as Sencha EXTJS for more complex applications and Angular for mobile applications.

From 2009, we participate in the Groovy community (Groovy/Grails/Micronaut/Gradle) and in European conferences.


Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java Platform alternative to the Java language. It can be seen as a scripting language for the Java Platform, it has characteristics similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk.


Grails is an open source framework for web applications designed to enable high productivity. It is based on the Groovy programming language, a dynamic language running on the Java platform.


Micronaut is a more modern, JVM-based full-stack framework for building modular and easily testable #microservice and #serverless applications.

Sencha Ext JS

Sencha Ext JS is the most comprehensive JavaScript framework for building cross-platform interactive and mobile web applications.

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